Monday, March 9, 2015

Giraffe Manor

Vacation Spot #1

Giraffe Manor

This first unique vacation spot is different from any most of us have been to. This small private hotel is located in Nairobi, Kenya where they home endangered Rothschild giraffes for guests to enjoy the company of up-close and personal...

Giraffe Manor welcomes guests who'd like to experience feeding giraffes through their very own room windows and doors or even at their dinner table! :)

The experience of Giraffe Manor is worth the trip itself; but the rooms available for rent are to die for! They are absolutely breath-taking and each with windows for the giraffes to poke in and visit!

For more information on this Unique Vacation Spot visit these awesome links!


  1. What a beautiful and unique vacation spot! While I would love to be brave enough to feed a Giraffe. I looked at the Giraffe Manor website and it looks like the Giraffes are known for poking their heads in bedrooms windows too. Not sure I want to be woke up by a Giraffe.

  2. Really cool place! Good job on the blog I like the use of the photos and links. The layout is good too with the background picture.

  3. OMG!!! I didn't even read anything and the pictures themselves, sold me on the vacation!!! LOVE IT!!!
